Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cubs cubs cubs!!

After months of eager anticipation we finally caught a sight of our focus leopards' (
Panthera pardus) cubs. Helen and Jen were the lucky staff members to witness Tilo and her three cubs playing around in the Makutsi River bed.

Now we must wait for the recently born Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) cubs to come out of the den as well, hopefully it wont be too much longer before the mother "Ketswiri" decides to move them! Until then we remain patient as any disturbance to the den site could be detrimental to their chances of survival.

Alex Morton
Research Assistant



Karra said...

Wow, I am so jealous! I want to be part of this so much! Just wish I could scrape together the funds so go on a GVI expedition/internship!