Venetia never fails to impress!
The first week of the two week expedition has proven to be just as exiting as always, good sightings and brilliant sunsets has made the trip to Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve worth while. We kicked of with the regular trip to Mapungubwe National Park where we had the rare opportunity to see a white impala(Aepyceros melampu
s), and it is pure genetics no sign's of albinism.
I don't recognise Venetia in this cold weather, our last drive started at a warm 2 degrees. Needless to say we found the lions (Panthera leo) on top of a hill sleeping in early sunlight trying to wake up and get their limbs moving a little bit like the volunteers on the back of the vehicle.
To my amazement we got to see Pam's herd (collared female elephant) (Loxodonta africana) in the first week, beautiful sighting on the open road gave brilliant pictures and a drive to remember. And the sunsets, only in Africa as always....
Base Manager
Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve
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