Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"Zuri", the base pup


Our newest addition to base and the staff team has created quite a stir amongst volunteers and staff alike.  Even though she demands everyone’s attention, never takes orders and always makes more of a mess than anyone else, we all seem to love her anyway. She’s clumsy, never listens and even occasionally pees where she shouldn’t.  But then again, who can blame a cute, 8-week old, puppy? A Border collie/Weimaraner mix named Zuri, this little terror has already stolen hearts (and many socks) at Karongwe Base.  

Officially, Zuri is a Base Dog with 5 proud owners: Andreas Fox, Beth Silvester, Ben Tupper, Jamie Sangster and Kaggie Orrick.  Though at the moment she’s not too much of a threat, we are hoping she will contribute to the staff team and do her own part; guard the house, follow scent trails (inevitably to help Jamie find objects he’s lost), play a part in anti-poaching, and be our anti-baboon patrol unit.  She is already showing signs of promise, with her playful nipping ability and dedication to finding Beth’s shoes, no matter how hard Beth tries to hide them.


It’s hard to imagine her fulfilling any of these jobs soon, however.  At the moment she’s only 4 kg and only 40 cm high. We have high hopes though. She’s already learned how to sit and soon will be comfortable on a lead. One thing’s for sure, her name fits her perfectly; “Zuri” means ‘beautiful’ and ‘adorable’ in Swahili.

Her encounters with wildlife have remained minimal so far.  She’s had a near miss with a Mozambique spitting cobra (Naja mossambica), cowered from a troop of baboons (Papio ursinus) cruising around the parked trucks (our hopes for her being a one-dog-anti-baboon-patrol may have been a little optimistic) and was completely indifferent around a bushpig (Potamochoeus porcus) while on fence patrol.

Needless to say, life has been a bit more interesting around base with Zuri around.  We are positive this is the first of many blogs on her escapades and adventures.

Kaggie Orrick,
Mountain Phase Manager,
GVI Karongwe
