July vols finish with flying colours…
week Karongwe volunteers were treated to one of nature’s finest spectacles –
witnessing the fastest land mammal on earth taking down its prey right before
their eyes. The full stalk, chase, take down and even a brave attempt at a
counter-attack from conspecifics was witnessed at close-quarters.
coalition of two male cheetahs (Acinonyx
jubatus) routinely followed by GVI were located relaxing within one of
their regular hunting grounds – the two males were stretched out ‘flatcat’ in
the middle of the road. Things soon livened up, however, when one of the males
appeared to get the scent of something and body language changed immediately.
Stealth mode on, the two cheetahs stalked briskly down the road to reveal an unsuspecting
sounder of southern warthog (Phacochoerus africanus sundevallii)
foraging in the short grass along the road verges.
the males closed in; they crept lower and lower to the ground, clearly
indicating their intentions to the onlookers who waited with baited breath. The
experience of the coalition showed as they set their trap and waited patiently
for the warthogs to make the first false move. Initially the warthog sounder
remained vigilant and tension built, but the second their guard was lowered the
cheetahs wasted no time in kicking back the dust and springing into action.
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Photo Credit: Hayley Mussman |
one remaining in the road, the other shot into the bush, blundering into the
middle of the sounder, creating panic and causing them to scatter in all directions.
At first, surprise got the better of the hogs who were unable to plan an escape
and for a few moments the cheetah and warthogs ran circles around one another,
reluctant to break their ranks between adult and offspring.
the cheetahs’ strategy began to reveal itself as a warthog was flushed out into
the open, straight across the path of the roadside-poised cheetah. The first escapee
was possibly ignored due to its size, the fact that easier targets remained in
sight, or perhaps the angle of escape was well calculated. Whatever the case,
the next was not nearly so lucky – a slightly smaller individual, noticing its
peer’s good fortune, made a similar bid for freedom in the same direction, but
this time the escape was cut short by the cheetah maintaining a roadside
cat who had initiated the chase, which up until that moment had merely been
cruising, sensed the crucial timing and cut sharply back into the road and closed
the gap within seconds. The squealing hog was slammed down to the ground with
one powerful downstroke from the forelimbs and an unforgiving grip aided by the
dew claws. This immediately drew the attention of the rest of the sounder whose
family instincts inspired them to band together and attempt a last-ditch effort
to rescue their relative.
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Photo Credit: Hayley Mussman |
bravely advanced with their heads lowered and sharp tusks cocked viciously. However,
the warthogs were up against a determined coalition not a lone individual. The
free cheetah was quick to rush to the aid of his pre-occupied brother, and with
teeth bared and hackles raised the hogs were quick to get the message and
rapidly returned the way they had come. Thereafter, they could only watch from
a distance as one of their kin was carried away in the mouths of both cheetahs.
was all too late to contemplate another counter-attack; the cheetahs had
already made their kill.
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Photo Credit: Hayley Mussman |
by Jamie Sangster,
Conservation Coordinator,
GVI Wildlife Research Karongwe
you want to read about another of Jamie’s rare sightings read this previous
blog post: Hangin’ with a Pangolin
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