The last few weeks on Karongwe have been swarming with activity. With
amazing lion and cheetah sightings everywhere we knew that when a carcass was
discovered on the reserve that a fresh carcass means predators! a.k.a. more sightings! Andreas Fox
set out a few camera traps initially and we tried to get some sleep, all anxiously
awaiting morning drive, like little kids on Christmas eve, to see what might
show up. Kaggie Orrick was first on the scene and to her dismay nothing
much was happening. I was taking the long way to the carcass and had a
quick visual of a young male leopard (Panthera pardus), most likely the one we call 'Tula' scent
marking and vocalizing. Leopard number one....check.
Then, as we approached the carcass Kaggie called in over the radio
visual of a large male leopard, Tsavo, had made his presence known! We
hurried toward the carcass but by the time we approached he had slinked off
into the bushes so we waited patiently, hoping he would return. Our
patience paid off and after about 30 minutes he sauntered back toward the kill,
approaching cautiously. This was only the second occasion that I had seen
this large male but the stories of how relaxed he is are certainly true.
Sitting only about 20 meters from the carcass we watched in silence as he
began to feed on the carcass, the sounds of bones crunching and tearing meat
was like music to my ears!
We watched and photographed this beautiful cat for nearly 30 minutes
before he slowly walked off, scent marking along the way. We sat and
waited for the next two hours to see if he would return but no luck.
Though he did not return we knew he was still in the area as we could
hear him vocalizing every few minutes the entire time. Leopard
After a short lunch break we returned to the carcass hoping again that
Tsavo would be hungry and return. This time though we were greeted by two
hyenas (Crocuta crocuta)! They approached and pulled apart the rib cage, dragging it away
and feasting on it. Even as they ate we could still hear Tsavo
vocalizing, nothing quite like having two large predators only a 100m away
while you sit in an open game viewer watching and photographing!
The hyenas had their fill and we decided to go for a coffee break, the
stink of carcass and early morning began to take its toll!! We came back
one more time after an hour or so later and this time something completely
different....hundreds and hundreds of vultures (Gyps spp.)!! As we drove up to the
familiar spot the vultures were feasting on the carcass and this was the first
time I seen something like this so close! They surrounded the carcass in
the trees, waiting their turn in the hierarchy before descending with massive
wing-spans and landing awkwardly next to the carcass. Then the feeding
frenzy truly begins.
was amazing to see how quickly and efficiently the vultures dealt with the
carcass. Even more incredible to watch a carcass from a few days after
death transform as the decomposition process and animals, big and small, play
their role. Nature always amazes me and I can only be grateful for the
things I have been able to see here.
Benjamin Tupper, SANParks Coordinator

The Decomposition of a Carcass
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