James Walker, Lion Specific Volunteer, and his Lion Sighting
The Date: Friday, May 3, 2013
The Time: Afternoon Drive
The Objective: Locate the lions (Panthera leo)
James, Lion
Specific volunteer, gives you a blow-by-blow of his lion encounter from this
Due to
unrelated issues, afternoon drive started late. Kaggie, our driver, rushed to
get the car ready and told us that we were going to make a B-line up to the
Lions (Panthera leo). The sun is going down, so the hope is we
get there before sunset to get some good photos. Sure enough, 30 seconds out of
base and we have to stop to take prey data! Which is fine, its what we are here
for but the chance to see the Lions in the daylight is whats on everyones mind.
Data taken, we
make our way north. Enjoying the scenery as Kaggie races to where the Lions
were last seen. To make a change, they aren’t hanging out at the Boma, which is

asleep. So we pull up along side, just as Maggie awakes. She looks straight at
me and yawns! The Teeth on her are beyond massive!! The metal sidebars between
me and her begin to feel like tooth picks! And when Lisa awakes, we become
silent. These beast have that effect on you when they are awake and staring
straight at you. Scenes from Jurassic Park come to mind, minus the 30ft T-rex.
But still.
The two
females then pass us by within 1metre of the back of the truck. I’m meant to be
taking data on their position and behaviour but more important things are
happening. Zero is waking and I am freaking out! The tension is palpable. He’s
looking for breakfast at 5pm and he stares straight us. A beast woken from his
slumber, we hold our breaths, excited as to what he does next. He sits up and
with one almighty effort... he yawns! Three Times! When you’re along side these
Kings of Africa, you forget that they are just big cats! Sorry, Massive
Cats! The two girls have gone now and Zero follows them. He appears to
be having an issue with something in his mouth but we assume, as he is a cat,
that it is a fur ball. He takes his leave of us and goes about doing his
business scent marking the surrounding area and the like.
Kaggie asks us
what we want to do, and its a resounding “stay with Zero”. We take off after
him and follow him for over 1km as he walks along the road, taking short cuts
through the bush with Kaggie putting her foot down and rushing around the next
bend to get there before him.
The sun is
beginning to set now, and we are having to spot light him to get some photos.
All of a sudden, he stops. He begins convulsing. We know that he is an old King
but he seems to be in trouble. The convulsions get bigger and more regular,
until finally, he vomits!! Its bright green! A massive eww sounds from the back
of the truck. Without a second thought, Zero continues on.

The sun is
down now, and with that the opportunity to take photos of the wildlife goes. As
Zero disappears into a bush, we sit back and ponder the events that have just
taken place before us. 45 minutes have gone by since we found the Lions. It was
a great sighting the weather was fantastic as well. This is the time when I
turn to Kaggie and tell her that I need to take data on where we found them!
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