Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A day of reckoning

Its when the world around you comes to a screeching halt, when one is completely absorbed in the moment instead of pondering what all the useless information that pours out of the media really means; this was my day of reckoning. My view on life changed when coming across one of the most elusive leopards (Panthera pardus) on the reserve, Tilo. But not only did I have the once in a lifetime sighting of this leopard, but her year-old cub Tsavo with her too. With his eyes fixed on me as if seeing past my painstaking human nature, Tsavo let me into his world for the first time. Simply recognizing that I was to cause no harm, he went on with his meal of a baby waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus), once again letting me witness what few humans have ever seen in their lifetime.

Recognizing how quick trust was established with a wild leopard let me remember how trust should work; if one means no harm let them into your life with open arms, you may change their life. The circle of life will advance and eventually Tilo and Tsavo in due course will grow apart. In time I will come back to hear the stories about how these leopards changed other people’s outlooks on life and constantly be envious of the GVI staff and how they are spoiled living with these magnificent animals.

Robert Truax, volunteer, USA
