Friday, May 4, 2012

Mvula and the Wild dogs

Tracking the dogs on Hlambanyahti is not always easy as they tend to be on the move through those blocks that does not have any roads going trough them. We once again tracked them for two hours trying every corner and high hill that we could think of. -5 with no visual and the occasional glimpse of a dog running through very tall grass that is almost the identical colour of the mystic painted dogs.

As a last resort we though to try one last route to see if our luck changes, and did it change.......

From a distance we could see the dogs excitedly jumping up and down, vocalising with their tails up. One of the interns spotted what we identified as Mvula one of our resident male leopards (Panthera pardus). Trapped in the high branches away from those snapping jaws, Mvula was the least impressed out of all of us.

We managed to get a way to circle around and spend the next 45 Min's looking at a rather uncomfortable cat high up in a Knob thorn (Acasia nigrescens), with 3 wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) below pleased with their accomplishment.

Ester van der Merwe
Base Manager
GVI Hlambanyahti