Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nocturnal Delights at Zimanga

Just when volunteers thought our spotlight had become a glorified headlight, they were presented with a smorgasbord of rare creatures of the night. The volunteers’ aperitif came in the form of a porcupine, a common, yet still "pee in your pants" exciting sighting. The volunteers were extremely satisfied with this "hors d'oeuvre" and were returning home when not one but THREE small spotted genets joined the feast. A water mongoose served as a main dish, a short and snappy sighting but delectable all the same. Desert, the crème de la crème of all crèmes had big ears, long legs and spots - a serval!! 

The volunteers were well and truly stuffed but still had room for a canapé of Spotted Eagle Owls on the journey home. The sightings of this plethora of animals may have been a result of a temporary increase in temperature or receding vegetation due to the onset of winter. Whatever the reason may be, volunteers were exceptionally happy with the diversity of the evening's spread.

The Zimanga team.
