Friday, November 20, 2009

Monitor Elephant feeding habits

Every morning we wake up at 4H30 and heading out at 5H00 on research drive. On tuesday we were on Elephant (Loxodonta africana) focus for the day so we get to sit and watch them for the day and see what they are eating, what trees they pushing over, who is pushing it over and what they feed on once it is pushed over. This is to determine which of the elephants, males or females are doing most of the damage by pushing the trees over. Mr M (a bull) and Tsuku (a cow) gave us an amazing display of their strength and knocked down tree after tree, with some of the trunks over a foot wide close to the mouth.
We were also on Elephant focus on Thursday and got to witness them all in the water in one of the dams on the reserve. They were splashing around like 5 year old school children. It was amazing.

Kate Luan Collins, IRE, Volunteer
