Darting the dogs!
Looking back on the first few weeks of this expedition, one of the high-lights would definitely be the darting of the wild dogs (Lycaon Pictus). We were coming back from a great “find-all” with nice sightings of lion (Panthera leo) and cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus). I barely had the time to lie down in my hammock when everybody started to run around camp. We had been waiting for more than 3 weeks, the dogs were finally here! Two were going to be darted and taken to Limpopo Limpadi Nature Reserve, and five new ones brought in also from Limpopo Limpadi Nature Reserve, to bond with the two remaining Venetia females. 
After arriving at the boma we had the chance to see their last meal. It didn’t take them more than ten minutes to rip apart the blue wildebeest’s (Connochaetes taurinus) leg. One of the two dogs was nervous, as if he felt what was going to happen. We had to stay while the veterinary surgeon was darting the dogs, but once they were down we got to go into the boma. It was the most amazing experience! The dogs were laying there, eyes open and panting. The veterinary surgeon explained that they were not exactly asleep, so we had to keep the noise level down. After the check up we had the chance to touch them before they got shifted into their crates and loaded onto the vehicles. I will always remember getting so close to such beautiful animals and the shine in their eyes. 
Melaine Kermarc, Volunteer France
Melaine Kermarc, Volunteer France
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