Excerpts from a Volunteer's Diary - Neil Craig
Craig has been so kind to share some of his journal writing from his experience
with us here at GVI Karongwe. The following is the documentation of his first
three full days on Base...
Sunday, October 21st
For our first full day with GVI we
were told to be ready to go for 7am, a lie-in as normal days start at a lot
earlier. First was of a series of familiarisation lectures about Karongwe, the
work we will be doing, Risk Assessments, checking of details, blah, blah.

The main objective is to assess
the impact of large predators within a small (area) multi-predator system. We will
be looking at predator/prey relationship, their preferred prey, their movements
around the reserve, creating ID kits for the non-tracked animals. We went
through the various predators and the family groups. Effectively there is one
pride of lions (Panthera leo). Zero
is the Alpha male and there are two adult females, Maggie and Lisa and there is
now one sub adult male. There are Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), Leopards (Panthera pardus)
and a herd of Elephant (Loxodonta Africana).
We will also be looking at the
spatial movement of the predators and recording prey numbers, locations all to
work out the Biomass Removal from the reserve, basically I think that is how
much the predators eat and whether that is sustainable without having to bring
in more prey species....I think, it got a bit technical...
We then went on our first game
drive. We were led by Beth. One of the more experienced volunteers was
recording the data on the sheets we had been shown earlier. Another was using
the telemetry kit and our objective was to find Zero and his girls. We drove to
the North of the reserve and were lucky that one of the Tourist Guides on the
reserve had located the Lions. They had not moved since killing and eating a
Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) on
Friday night. We found them close to one of the rivers in the reserve. There
are a number of tourist lodges on the reserve who we meet occasionally on our
research drives and they use or sightings to let visitors view the Big Five. Zero
and the girls were simply sleeping on a sandbank. As it was our first drive Beth
didn’t want to stay with the Lions too long and we went on a general drive in
the area.

Rob and Beth were standing on the
bull bars at the side trying in the fading light to see them when we all spotted
movement just to our left. Beth and Rob moved fairly swiftly and were inside
when the Lions walked quite slowly and nonchalantly up the bank and out of the
bush about 5m to our side. Very cool.
The Lions then continued walking
along roads and cutting across the bush for about another half hour covering a
considerable distance. Beth was able to keep getting ahead of them using her
local knowledge. Eventually they hunkered down together and we left them.
We then returned to base, dinner
and it was off to bed before 9pm.
Monday, October 22nd
We had a series of lectures again
today. The first being about what will probably be two trips to the Mariepskop
Mountains Project. I may be there next week for 5 days (Mon-Fri). We will be
doing research on the biodiversity on this remote mountain which is separated
from the rest of the Drakensburg Mountain. We will be looking at the mammals,
reptiles, frogs and butterflies in the mountain area. It will involve the
capture and measuring of small mammals such as rats, mice and shrews. We then
had a lecture on Herbivore identification and how to sex and class them by age,
we will have a series of tests on Saturday and this will form part of it.
The afternoon consisted of a Game
Drive; we went out with Nico as the leader. Our task for the afternoon was to
find the two Cheetah brothers. We used telemetry to locate then in an area
about 200m off the road. It was then off the truck and our first walk into the
bush. Nico, who was armed, led and Turner, another member of staff, used
telemetry to guide us in. I did not see the Cheetahs until we were about 30m
away despite it being a fairly open area. We walked in until we were about 10m
away. We stood and watched them for about 10 minutes. They were not bothered at
all by us being there. One simply slept, them both having eaten the previous
day and were still very full. The other simply gave us a disinterested look.
What an amazing experience and a great privilege.
We then spent some time looking
for the female Cheetah who has been fitted with a telemetry device, but with no
luck. We carried on researching prey species, which is part of our role.
Tuesday, October 23rd
Up early for another research
drive. We were again looking for the two Cheetah boys. We started our day by
climbing a rock in the reserve to watch the sun come up, a real “Lion King”
moment. We did track the boys to exactly the same place, but we had no gun with
us so couldn’t walk in, but we logged the data of their location etc. We then
did more prey data collection.
We then went out on the evening
drive. We were tasked with finding Zero and the girls. Fortunately Zero was
spotted by a tourist guide and we only needed to do a bit of telemetry to find
him again after he had moved a bit. This time he was on his own and was again
doing a typical Lion thing, sleeping. Eventually though he decided to call the
girls and I got to hear a Lion roar in the wild, very impressive.
We went looking for the girls but
although we could hear Maggie roaring back we couldn’t find her. On the way
back in the fading light we found Zero’s son, a sub adult male aged about two
and a half. He too was sleeping, although he did also make a few calls.
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