Thursday, July 29, 2010

Surprise the hyena was a leopard!!!

Early morning heading out on drive the guys were rewarded with a brown hyena (Hyaena brunnea) sighting. The hyena dashed into the thickets and the vehicle stopped at the spot were they thought the hyena went into the bushes. Taking a few pictures of the shadow in the grass that was believed to be the hyena they went on to look for their focus animal.

3 Days later to be exact on closer inspection and with the wonders of the zoom button on a digital camera they realised the brown hyena did indeed go into the bushes and was long gone by this time, but the shadow they were taking pictures of was a leopard (Panthera pardus) that gave them a full head shot, before they continued on their way.

What a bummer!

Ester van der Merwe
Base Mananger
Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve