2 week volunteer experience.....
Once again Emma Redwood our last two week volunteer had some experiences that one would think is not possible for the short amount of time they have on the project.
Starting the day with the silhouette of a Secretary bird (Sagittatius serpentarius) awakening to the bush. Stretching the legs and shuffling its feathers ready for a day full of feasting.
Throughout the day witnessing animals going about their day to day activities. Until ending a perfect day with a show of our majestic elephant bull (Loxodonta africana), play fighting in the Hlambanyahti dam, until the African sun dives behind the Lebombo mountains.
and one last view of the pack of wild dogs on her way to the airport makes every drive worth while......
Ester van der Merwe
Base Manager
GVI Hlambanyathi Game Reserve
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