Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The stuff of legend...

I’ve heard of many mythical creatures – from the Loch Ness Monster and the Abominable Snowman, to Shrek and Fairies. But for our volunteers at Venetia there is one whose mystery surpasses all of the above. Our collared female elephant (Loxodonta africana), ‘Pam’.

Notoriously tricky to telem and sure to send your triangulation lines in completely the opposite direction logic suggests, Pam is a firm favourite with all of us. I’ve heard many a conversation on drive proclaiming Pam to be a myth, or at very best an elephant with super powers capable of throwing her collar into distant trees and koppies.

So it was with much excitement that several of the drives this week have been treated to a visual of the complete herd with its several tiny calves.

And we you promise that this is not a hoax…

Julie Kern
Science Officer
